Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My NEW camcorder - Sony HDR-SR11

I am sorry for a veeeeery long delay in my postings. Too many things changed since then, and I have sold my HDR-CX7 for the newer and MUCH BETTER HDR-SR11. It has been released in 2008 along with it's brother HDR-SR12 with only difference in HDD size. HDR-SR11 has 60GB of internal storage and HDR-SR12 - 120GB. These two camcorders are top of the line for Sony when released and they really show great capabilities, including GREAT low light handling, manual focus knob and the greatest ever installed on consumer camcorders hi-resolution lcd screen, which makes the operating of HDR-SR11 very pleasant. So far, having my HDR-SR11 in my posession for more than six months, I am very happy with it and the video it produces. I will post pictures and video samples very soon as well, as will describe the accessories I have purchased so far. Stay tuned!


రామ said...

Hi.. what all do you need to download the footage from this camcorder on to the computer? I am not even talking HD content, I just need to get a regular DVD out of it. Can you please guide me about this?

Andrew Sul said...

All you need, is the USB cable! And it comes with it. It's as simple, as photo-camera. But you can download photo or video, no matter if it's a DVD or HD quality. Thanks for asking!